Watch services below on this page every Sunday after 2:00 PM
Our hearts are still open and we are here to continue to share the love of God with you. Our service is open to everyone. We LOVE visitors! Holy Communion is on the first Sunday of each month. Great music to enhance our praise to God and build community. Childcare and Christian Education for Children is provided. Coffee hour follows worship in the Fellowship Hall.
10:00 AM: Christian Education for Children and Youth
Watch our current Sunday service here. Current service video available after 2:00 PM Sundays.
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We are currently looking for musicians to join our Adult and Bell Choir this summer. If you have any interest in singing or playing bells, please contact Dr. Daryl Hollinger at 209-265-6716 or email: Thank you so much for the great gift of music you offer to our community.
Our next Taizé service will be held on Wednesday, June 5 at 7pm.
This will be our Sunday worship service.