Our mission is to live out the teachings of Jesus through welcoming the stranger, feeding the hungry, reaching out to the people of the community and the world, fostering a sustainable environment, working within our church, with other churches, and with organizations to promote social justice.
The Team takes the lead in coordinating activities that meet the mission, extending participation to the whole congregation. Current activities are helping to meet the needs of the food and housing insecure in our community, supporting a healthy environment, and contributing to improved living conditions beyond our community.
For more information please contact Lynne Bird at lcbird@comcast.net
The Blessing Box is a small ongoing mission to those whose food budget doesn’t quite last
long enough. The box is regularly stocked several times a week, and also supplemented by church and community members. People are invited to take what they need, always mindful that someone else might have needs, too. It is located on the porch of
The Blessing Box is a small ongoing mission to those whose food budget doesn’t quite last
long enough. The box is regularly stocked several times a week, and also supplemented by church and community members. People are invited to take what they need, always mindful that someone else might have needs, too. It is located on the porch of the Eastman Education Building facing Algiers Street. For more information contact Jeri Carson-Hull at jericarsonhull@yahoo.com
We are a green church! We are excited to have our solar panels installed soon, reducing our carbom footprint at our church. We are proud to use compostable supplies for events whenever possible, as well as compostable trash bags and naturally derived cleaning products. We have trash pick up events throughout the year, as well as workshops
We are a green church! We are excited to have our solar panels installed soon, reducing our carbom footprint at our church. We are proud to use compostable supplies for events whenever possible, as well as compostable trash bags and naturally derived cleaning products. We have trash pick up events throughout the year, as well as workshops on various environmental challenges that we are facing.
For more information please contact Corrie Billiet acbilliet@gmail.com
The Resource Connection Food Bank
Our church has loyally contributed to the Food Bank for many years. Since 2014 we have donated over 9000 lbs. of food! Our congregation has huge hearts and lots of compassion for the vulnerable of Calaveras County. Food insecurity is a big concern for the Resource Connection and our church continues to sho
The Resource Connection Food Bank
Our church has loyally contributed to the Food Bank for many years. Since 2014 we have donated over 9000 lbs. of food! Our congregation has huge hearts and lots of compassion for the vulnerable of Calaveras County. Food insecurity is a big concern for the Resource Connection and our church continues to show love and concern for our community.
More than a food bank. For more information please contact Jeri Carson-Hull at jericarsonhull@yahoo.com
For more information please contact Susan Medeiros at susancmedeiros@gmail.com
As a church we are concerned about housing and joining with Habitat is one way we can make an impact in our community. Habitat for Humanity has been building homes in Calaveras County for over 22 years. We offer families a “hands up” rather than a “hand out.” Our church partners with Habitat in fundraising, volunteering on home buildin
As a church we are concerned about housing and joining with Habitat is one way we can make an impact in our community. Habitat for Humanity has been building homes in Calaveras County for over 22 years. We offer families a “hands up” rather than a “hand out.” Our church partners with Habitat in fundraising, volunteering on home building, and working with individual families to provide affordable housing. At the current time, we are hoping to be awarded a $10 million grant from the State of California to build 107 affordable homes in Angels Camp. One member, Jeri Carson -Hull works part time for Habitat and our own Pastor Bonnie is the Board President.