Everyone is a child of God and we aim to love you as Jesus taught us! We believe that our differences add to our richness and strength. We are not a creedal or dogmatic church, and there is unity in our fellowship under God.
We are not perfect and yes, we mess up at times. Being a disciple of Jesus is messy and that is why We are the Church! We help each other discover our gifts and work on our weaknesses. We praise God together whenever we gather and this gives us strength for the journey!
We want you to know that you are loved! We will celebrate you as an individual. We are an open and affirming congregation and that means that the LGBTQ/GRSM community is embraced.
We are not the church that fits everyone. For example, we do not take the Bible as the literal truth of God. We believe God is still speaking and the Bible is one way we learn of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
We are a church that seeks justice for those who are less fortunate than us. That means that we put an emphasis on giving, respecting everyone and sacrificial living. We don't have black and white answers for today's problems and we don't put God in a neat little box and tell you what to believe. Instead we discover God's loving path together.
We are a Christian church. We believe in the Holy Trinity, the Sacraments of Holy Communion, Healing, Baptism and Marriage. We celebrate same sex marriages. We baptize infants, children, youth and adults. We believe in the power of prayer and transformation.
We love Music and we have all kinds of it! Our Director of Music, Dr. Daryl Hollinger leads us in a variety of styles - bluegrass, classical, chant, gospel, old fashioned hymns, new praise songs, global songs and more. We have three choirs - an adult vocal choir, an adult hand bell choir and a children's choir that also plays with hand chimes. We use many instruments - organ, piano, flutes, drums, guitars, fiddles, harmonicas, tambourines and whatever else the Spirit brings to us!
We believe in God as creator, and we are partners in the care of our earth!
We love children and families. We are devoted to hiring excellent child care staff and train our Christian Education teachers to be loving examples. Our primary lessons with children are to love God with all your heart, your neighbor as yourself and treat the earth with care. As you can see, we are excited about being Christians! Won't you join us?
Questions????: Call Pastor Bonnie today for a personal visit! She would love to meet with you! 209-728-3141
We will be hosting our annual Irish Day Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 15 from 8:30 - 10:30am. Come enjoy a hearty breakfast before heading out for the Murphys Irish Day festivities!